The Spread of Democracy

Trevor Tumlinson


xxxxx"The ideals of our democracy have spread to every continent, so for the first time, more than half the world's people live under elected governments," so stated Madeleine K. Albright in her written testimony. Despite that accomplishment, nations all over the world suffer from political oppression. Countries are being led by terrorists and corrupted leaders. Innocent people are bornn into lives with no hope of freedom, if they speak out they will be wiped out. They do not enjoy the same rights we Americans do.
xxxxxThe United Sates has set out to bring justice and freedom to these suffering countries.We have spread ourform of democracyto areas in need the most, all over the globe. Of course the Middle East has been one ofour prime targest for years, and substantial progress has been made. A true elected government was recently put in to action in Iraq. The U.S. has also spread democracy to much of South East Europe, a place of constant political rebellion. Latin America and nations across the Caribbean are also on the democratic check list.


xxxxxNot only have we, ourselves, shed the light of democracy to previously dark nations, we serve as a model for prospering countries. India, the world's largest democracy, has modeled its government after our very own. Perhaps the most suprising student of our way of government is the former communist-ruled
Russia. Russia has recently began to put in effect a government much similar to the United Sates'
xxxxxDemocracy has proved to be the most efficient and prosperous form of government. America has
flourished since it became an independent nation, and we have now set forth to spread that prosperity.

But is it our place? Is it really our place to enforce militarily our form of government? Is it
possible that even though our nation has flourished, that our form of rule is not beneficial
to every nation? I do believe what we are doing is right and just in cause. There is a
common misconception among those who oppose the U.S.. They believe by liberating
countries we are puting them subject to our rule, but the definition of the world liberate is
to set free, especially from imprisonment or oppression, and that is exactly what we are
doing. We are setting the foundations for governments and then withdrawing enabling them
to thrive and prosper on their own.






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