* Businesses are not always allowed to say what they want to or need to about a product or something else because they live with the fear of someone getting offended and then pressing a law suit against them. "Just dont say it." Economist. 365; 8303, 59. MAS Ultra - School Edition. EBSCOhost. BHS Lib., Brownwood, TX. 28 Feb. 2005. < http://dkc.esc20.net >.
* People can access almost anything that they want to with the internet today and don't get caught for copyrights or plagerism. Murray, Christopher. Privacy and Digital Rights. FDCH Congressional Testimony. MAS Ultra - School Edition. EBSCOhost. BHS Lib., Brownwood, TX. 1 March 2005. < http://dkc.esc20.net >.
* Every person in America has the same rights. Minorities and upper class people have the same individual rights. Auden, W.H. The Unknown Citizen. The Academy of American Poets. 3 March 2005. < http://www.poets.org/poems/poems.cfm?45442B7C000C07060076 >.
* People using their Individual Rights like they wanted and were suppose to were not always accepted in society. This was shown in the movie "Easy Rider".