Texas Schoolmarm

English 3 Class Policies & Expectations


1. Have supplies and be in assigned seat when bell rings.

2. No food or drinks in class. Bottled water is acceptable.

3. Show respect to others (teacher and fellow students).

4. Passes are granted only for emergencies and only at my discretion.


Being on time is essential! School policy: first tardy, verbal warning; second tardy, phone call to parents will be made; third tardy, detention.

CLASS WEB SITE www.texasschoolmarm.net

I maintain a web site for my classes that has assignment calendars, copies of handouts, useful links, as well as an area to publish student work. It should become a valuable resource to you; check it often.


Expect to need extra help! You will be working at your instructional level. I enjoy helping students, but unfortunately, I can't be in my room for the morning tutoring because I have duty. Lunch and after school are the only times available right now. Be SURE you make an appointment so that we don't miss each other.


You are required to make up missed work for every absence, including EC absences. You must check with me for assignments, preferably during tutoring. School policy states “the time allotted for makeup work to be completed is equal to the number of days absent plus one additional day. Failure to turn in work within the allotted time will result in an assigned grade of zero. Previously assigned work for which students have had adequate notice and time to complete, even with the absence, should be handed in on time.”


You will be issued a book to use at home.  Class sets of these books are located in the room, and so it will not be necessary to bring textbooks to class.


•3-ring binder, 1” size
•Dividers for notebook
•Notebook paper
•Highlighters, several various colors
•Ink pens, blue or black ink
• Red checking pen